131 Pray Rd, Livingston, MT 59047, United States of America
Weight Limit: 50 lbs
This list is for guidance only. Temperatures will probably range from 20° to 50°F, but you should be prepared for -20° to +70°F. Layers of lightweight clothing, which can be added or taken off depending on your comfort level, are preferred over heavy weight coats. Pack all of your belongings in a stout duffle or side zipper bag marked with your name and address. Plastic freezer bags are handy pack articles and keep them clean and dry. We provide cots and foam pads. We can also provide helmets if requested for riding.
Please let us know if you have any allergies or dietary preferences.
Weight Limit: 30 lbs
This list is for guidance only. Temperatures will probably range from 40° to 90°F. We provide cots and foam pads in Grizzly Creek camp. We can also provide helmets if requested for riding. Pack all of your belongings in a stout duffle or side zipper bag marked with your name and address. Plastic freezer bags are handy pack articles and keep them clean and dry. Bring only what you are sure you are going to need. Go light and enjoy the trip!
Please let us know if you have any allergies or dietary preferences.